Pferdetraum Dinah, 6 year old New Forest Pony
SOLD! Congratulations to Jade and Lillian! Enjoy her and keep in touch!!
She's not Irish....but we have come to love her anyway! Megan is ready to find a new partner for this lovely lady.
Dinah is a 6 year old registered New Forest Pony looking for a new partner!
She is 13.3 hh and a unicorn in the making! Dinah is out of Willoway Alice and by Manoravon Master Majestic. She was purchased directly from her breeder, Pferde Traum Farm, in July 2021 as an unstarted mature mare. Dinah has been easy and uncomplicated to start in her riding career, showing her willingness to get out and enjoy a ride, in a group or solo!
Dinah is currently walk, trot, canter with smooth and easy transitions. She is confidently jumping 2’ courses and has schooled cross country at Starter/BN including coops, up and down banks and through water. Dinah is safe, brave and honest with her own engine. She is kind and easy going in the arena and out hacking, she rides easily alone or in a group.
Dinah is sound, clips, hauls ties, with no vices and up to date on farrier, vaccines and deworming. Willing, honest medium pony looking for a new partner to continue her development up the levels. Her pretty dark bay dapples, lovely expression and smooth movement is sure to be noticed in the show rings.
Dinah will continue in training and begin showing in summer 2022 until sold.
Video from winter clinics and spring schooling:
Flat Video: pending; will be available Sunday, June 19
Price: SOLD
Video meet & greets welcome for distance buyers; we are also happy to assist with transportation anywhere in Canada or the US. Local trials welcome by appointment!